Rev. Dia
Dia (Lydia M N Crabtree) started her spiritual journey at a young age by displaying the gifts of seership and mediumship at a very young age. First learning from her beloved grandmother, Mama Bridges, in the deep South, she would find the children of the moon and begin formal
training in 1999.
The Circle Sanctuary, the Reclaiming Tradition, and Progressive Witchcraft by Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone would influence her traditional training. These would lead her to cofound and be elected President and High Priestess of the progressive coven, Willow Dragonstone Community & Coven in Gwinnett County, GA, USA.
Eventually she would formally join Circle Sanctuary and become an ordained minister after 3 1./2 years in the Minister Training Program at Circle Sanctuary.
Dia studied and practiced her skills as a Seer long before se was a pagan. She has had the honor of raising the next generation of seer and medium in her familial line. She brings a lifetime of practice and connectivity with the Universe to all her readings.
2024; 2014 ~ Current
Circle Sanctuary
Willow Dragonstone Community & Coven
Ordination after 3 1/2 years in the
Minister in Training Program​​
​Elected High Priestess & President
2005; 1999-2003
Family Wiccan Tradition Int'l.
Dragonstone Family Coven
Coven of the Red Dragon a Welch Celtic Tradition & Celtic Shamanistic Covens
Third Degree
First and Second Degree Training

University of North Georgia
Bachelors of Science, Psychology
Concentration, Journalism
Co-Editor for Junior and Senior Years
Concentration, Shakespearean Theatre
Production and Acting
Classes Taught by Rev. Dia
Minister in Training Program; Faith Disability & Dogs: How High is your ACE? (11, 2023)​​;
Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago, IL. (August 2023)
Minister in Training Program, Co-Presented History of Paganism in the United States with Rev. Selena Fox & Rev. River Higgenbotham (10, 2023)
Geomancy: 16 Figures Hold the Answers; Athens Pagan Pride Day (October 2023)
Pagan Prayer Beads;
Athens Pagan Pride Day (October 2023)
Geomancy: An Interfaith Divinatory System; 2023 Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago, IL. (August 2023);
Pagan Spirit Gathering (June 2023)
Faith, Disability, & Dogs; Pagan Spirit Gathering (June 2023)
Geomancy: 16 Figures Hold the Answers; Pagan Spirit Gathering (June 2022)
Peer Counseling Trauma Survivors as Magickal Practitioners; Pagan Spirit Gathering (June 2022)
Distinguished Religious Group Leader for Fort Moore as a Circle Representative (February 2022 - May 2023)
Candy Ritual; PantheaCon (February 2008); ConVocation (February 2008)
Why are you exploring Wicca, Paganism or Witchcraft? Crafting a Spiritual Statement, The Kindred (Jan – Mar 2006 - CURRENT)
Sacred Geometry: Meaning in Our Circles; Knoxville, Pagan Pride Day (July 2005 - CURRENT)
Ritual Theory & Outline (Wicca 101); Knoxville Pagan Pride Day (July 2005 - CURRENT)
Beading for Pagan Prayers; Special Request for Private Study Group (Winter, 2004 - CURRENT)
Ritual Drama; Special Request for Private Study Group (2004-CURRENT)
Totemic Devises; Special Request for Private Study Group (2002-CURRENT)
Active Meditation; Special Request for Private Study Group (2001-CURRENT)​
A Seer’s Tarot Class; Special Request for Private Study Group (2000-CURRENT)
Wrote, directed and/or collaborated on numerous open celebratory, specific and/or closed rituals: the 8 Sabbats; Coming of Age (to womanhood and trans); Blessingways; Handfastings; Women’s Mystery Ritual; Naming or Dedication Rituals; Children’s Rituals (specifically the Candy Circle – a teaching ritual for children); sweat lodges; healing circles; Full Moons and New Moons Community
Co-founded, acting as current President, and High Priestess for Willow Dragonstone Community & Coven, Inc.,; oversees ritual creation, the 1st Degree program, and administration of WDSC; volunteer with Circle Sanctuary helping with the Online Full Moon Circles; pastoral counselor; participant in Gwinnett Faith Alliance; organized Chattanooga’s 1st Women In Black; mobilized voters on election days by providing transportation
Developed and currently overseeing the Willow Dragonstone Community degree program; ministering to the participants of Willow Dragonstone Community & Coven through Internet technologies and in person; present workshops for Pagan Pride Days, at gatherings, psychic fairs and by special request; do fundraising tarot readings for Pagan Pride Days upon request.
Administered gatherings for up to 150 attendees. Coordinated food for attendees, workshop program, site preparation, and clean-up; firewood; drum circle creation and maintenance; security (physical and energetic); vendors and entertainment
Accomplished storyteller specializing in American Indian stories and Celtic Mythology. Volunteer story-telling services to public schools and events.
Some Links May be Broken or No Longer Available
(2012 to 2016) Birthing Hereditary Witchcraft. Patheos Pagan Portal.
(2011 to 2016) Confessions of Being…
(Wise Pagan Perspective E-zine May 2008) Gathering Etiquette When Children are Involved
(Modern Witch Magazine, Beltane 2008) New Beginnings: Starting Family Coven
(Modern Witch Magazine, Beltane 2008) Ask a Pagan Parent
(Celtic Whispers Ezine, April 2008) Family Coven: The Magical Side
(The Witches Voice, March 30th - April 5th,2008) Political Witchcraft
(Spirit One Webzine, March 21st,2008, Volume 103) Political Witchcraft
(New Ager eMag, Issue 15) Faith and Children: Part II, Fear, Prejudice and Magic
(The Witches Voice, February 24th - March 1st,2008) Faith and Children: Part III, Craft History and the Sacred Family
(Spirit One Webzine, February 1, 2008, Volume 102) Faith and Children: Part III, Intercession and Training
(Celtic Whispers, January 2008) Faith and Children: Part III, Intercession and Training
(The Witches Voice, December 23rd - December 29th,2007) Faith and Children: Part II, Fear, and Magic
(The Witches Voice, December 23rd - December 29th,2007) Christmas Illusions: Diluted Yule Symbols
(The Witches Voice, December 16th - December 22nd,2007) Faith and Children: Part I, Expectation & Intimacy
(The New Ager eMag, Issue 14) Faith and Children: Part I, Expectation & Intimacy
(Spirit One E-Zine, December 2007) Christmas Illusions
(Celtic Whispers Ezine, December 2007) Faith and Children: Part II, Expectation & Intimacy
(Celtic Whispers Ezine, November 2007) Faith and Children: Part I, Expectation & Intimacy
(Spirit One Webzine, Volume 100 - October 2007) Crabtree Spiritual Legacy *1st Prize for Non-Fiction*
(February 2006) Pagan Scream Machine (April 2006) Pagan Parenting?
(April 2006) What’s a Pagan Parent to Do?;
(October 2005) Ritual of Death; (Article is no longer current on Pagan Pages)
(2005) Bee-ings: Spiritual Journey from Larva to Bee and Beyond; Witches’ Voice (Article is no longer available on Witches’ Voice)